Thank you to Vuong Vu and Tourane Poetry Press for publishing my collection This is a Love Poem, Listen Buy a copy from me and be able to request things like: *Blank Copy - Unsullen typography *Signed Copy - My name next to my name *Doodled Copy - If I knew how to draw, I'd draw *Note Copy - One factoid on creative gibberish *Haiku Copy - A short quick poem // maybe my own, or Issa, // Basho, or Buson *Q/A Copy - Random question from my "Random Question Generator," and then a short answer. ---------- Praise of This is a Love Poem, Listen ---------- These poems are ocean glass at dawn. They call us to wade in, slowly. We soon realize the struggle of riptides, the complex relationship between a father and son, what love challenges when expecting fair conditions. The push and pull of memory, the turbulence of sexuality, the deep conversations in diaspora are intricately crafted in De la Cruz’ words. An old soul sings in this stunning first book. Arlene Biala Author of A...
Formerly the RetailMFA, This is the Poetry Blog of Darrell Dela Cruz