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Showing posts from December, 2021

Analysis of "Wildpeace" by Yehuda Amichai

 Poem Found Here:  "Wildpeace" by Yehuda Amichai This is a definition poem.  What is Wildpeace?  But this poem starts a definition with negative reasoning, "Not the peace of a cease-fire, / not even the vision of the wolf and the lamb,"  I take this as defining the compound of "wild" here as a separate entity of peace -- creating a a wry oxymoronic tone to the poem and still keeping the gravity of the situation.  For example, a lack of a cease-fire or a stop, or not even a single image of stopping this discordance. And when the poem clarifies what it is not, the next lines of the poem clarify what it is, "but rather / as in the heart when the excitement is over / and you can talk about a great weariness."  The respite.  The respite of the adrenaline dying down from the stress of the situation to the sinking realization thank comes from some trauma or reoccurrence of trauma happening. "I know that I know how to kill,"  The repetition in