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Showing posts with the label Refrain

Analysis of "Refrain" by Maggie Glover

Original poem reprinted online here:   "Refrain" by Maggie Glover Originally read: July 18, 2013 More information about the Poet: Maggie Glover Update:  Got word from the poet, Maggie Glover , " the two '-' before 'groom' and 'rise' were mistakenly added by @ versedailypoems & aren't in the original" Yeah, it does change the way I read the poem. Mostly didn't think -room would be groom. I'll get back to this someday, but for now. Here's the analysis as I read it. ---- Past me wrote something similar for different lines, "conflicting metaphors," and "conflicting statement."  And I think this poem is comprised of conflicts.  Not a conflict that's developed, rather small, sometimes non-sequitur linguistics that change the focus of the line. For example, "I am learning that life is a pond. No. / I am learning that life is not a pond, but has a pond's boundaries,"  Here the change in l...