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Analysis of "Drift" by Gregory Lawless

Original poem reprinted online here:   "Drift" by Gregory Lawless Originally read: August 20, 2013 More information about the Poet:   Gregory Lawless The distance in the poem is played with here.  Part of the "fun" is not only seeing how distant the speaker is with the subject "my father" but also how removed the actual father is as an entity, but more so a archaeological find.      In the desert      they found fossils      of my father      as a young man The first five lines show a surreal perspective of the father as a young man.  "Fossils" is the stand out noun in the piece; however, don't underestimate "they" in the piece.  Who are "they" and what is their intentions.      his Converse sneakers      dripping with tar, stacks      of old beer cans      an all of his hair. The list of items found aren't pleasant images, but they are implied...