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Showing posts from March, 2025

The Stafford Challenge: Month 2 - The Watsonville Riots, Thoughts and Reflections

In grad school, I took a course in Detective Fiction in 2010.  One of the projects we could do at the end of the course was to create our own book proposal for a detective story, and I had one in mind for a long time. Let's go further back, back when I was studying about Asian-American History when I was an undergrad in 2003 I learned about the Watsonville Riots from Strangers from a Different Shore by Ronald Takaki .  From my memory, the title of the chapter about the Watsonville Riots, and the Filipino-American experience in American was called "A Dollar a Day, A Dime a Dance."  This is in reference to Filipino farm workers earning a dollar a day, and spending a dime to dance with someone at a dance hall. But what interested me most about this was this hysteria that Filipino men were dating, loving, and being with white women which was said to be the basis of the riots.  Also the idea that one man, Fermin Tehera, was killed in a farm house -- shot through the hear...