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Showing posts from November, 2022

Analysis of "Morning Song" by Sawako Nakayasu

Original poem reprinted online here: "Morning Song" by Sawako Nakayasu Originally read: February 4, 2013 The poem plays on tempo.  Yes, there's the beginning where the focus is on the "equation" aspect of the poem and how, mathematically, the lines and words mold together like: far cry ------ low rise the "far cry" is part of the bigger "low rise" and the poem divides on itself and goes smaller, goes focused on the incidents that make up the equation.  However, the tempo comes when thinking of math problems. In my case, a simple person who does horribly on math, the simpler the equation, the faster I speed through it.  And, through words, the speaker simplifies the equations.  For example, "an every morning sticks, figure A, for alas, stick figures, it /  figures that we awaken in the same rectangle at different points on the time / line, these every days the sum of all our" So the speed comes when the word "figures" is re...