Poem found here: 44306 by Meg Johnson The opening line reminds me of the opening line from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." "Let us go then, you and I, / When the evening is spread out against the sky". Compared to, "Let's get this ménage a trois started." Okay so maybe the sentiment is different, but the connecting as humans, a couple versus a collection of three, "You, me, and this three / legged dog of a city" is there. I guess this'll be from my perspective, but I feel the lines are connected and now I'm relating the mood of Prufrock, observation and desolation, to this poem. "The most majestic / creature here is a blimp in the sky," and from Prufrock, " When the evening is spread out against the sky / Like a patient etherized upon a table;". The metaphor in Prufrock parallels this poem's pretty straight forward description. I don't know what this means exactly. This could be a breaki...
Formerly the RetailMFA, This is the Poetry Blog of Darrell Dela Cruz