Poem found here: "Stranger by Night" by Edward Hirsch There's a lot going on in the title. When I researched this poem, I this is also the title of collection coming out in February 11, 2020. I've learned to queue up posts, so I'm writing this post on January 13, 2020 and this should come out in March 29, 2020. In any case, there's a lot going on in the title because the poem plays with the idea of "stranger" and "night" throughout. However, note the form of the poem: short lines and a bit long, but could be read. This idea plays itself out in the first couple of lines, "After I lost / my peripheral vision / I stated getting side swiped by pedestrians cutting / in front of me [...]" The form of the poem plays with this lack of peripheral vision, something narrow can only be seen. The form mimics this experience and too the reader, like the speaker, can only see what in from of them. The "night" being played with i...
Formerly the RetailMFA, This is the Poetry Blog of Darrell Dela Cruz