Poem found here: "America Mix-Tape, Track 60" by Jason Myers More about the Poet: J ason Myers It's been a while, hasn't it? This poem is definition through tone and assumptions. There is many Florida references in here which the speakers defines with, but how close does the speaker define with the place or the individual? The first three lines sets the tone to be silly, but a bit grandeur at the same time, "Some day I'll die in St. Augustine, / under a palm tree growing right / up the middle of a live oak." The three lines add a sense of Christian mythos with the name St. Agustine brought in, but is tempered with the humor of the realization of place and this weird image of a palm tree growing through an oak like a reverse birth. It's odd and holy, but, "Nature / has never been my nature." Note how the upper cased "Nature" is over encompassing while the lower case, "nature," goes back to the personal because of
Formerly the RetailMFA, This is the Poetry Blog of Darrell Dela Cruz